“And what’s happened is, as the universities have moved sharply to the left, they’ve also become obsessed with student satisfaction, which is the perceptions of students on campus. And that’s now the overriding metric. Are students having a good time? Not are they having a rigorous, intellectually demanding education, but are they having a good, comfortable time? And if they’re not, then the university will essentially fall over itself to do whatever it needs to do to ensure that students come first.So removing controversial speakers, chasing controversial academics off campus, reshaping campus life around the more liberal, progressive values and world views of students. So we’re letting them down essentially. And I’m not the only person saying this.”

“So we have a serious problem in the UK, which is feeding off two things. One is a continuation of the policy of mass immigration, which needs to stop. And the other has been the continued failure of our elites to integrate societies, to basically do what the Danes and now the Swedes have been trying to do, which is to be much more assertive and robust at integrating different communities into a shared national community.It’s impossible to do that while running mass immigration, I would argue. I think where we’re probably going to end up is needing some kind of break, like a five-year break on migration and trying to incentivise and force some kind of assimilation and integration at the local level. Otherwise, we’re going to end up with much higher rates of segregation.”

From: Islamism & Immigration Is OUT OF CONTROL – Matt Goodwin _ heretics. 67

andrew gold – heretics @andrewgoldheretics

Hade premiär 24 juni 2024

Matt Goodwin talks about the perils of Islamism, the loss of social cohesion and the panic we’re about to enter as immigration spirals out of control with the election coming, and Farage, Reform & Labour fighting for seats.

Sign up to his BRILLIANT SubStack here: https://www.mattgoodwin.org/

Sign up to my own new SubStack here: http://andrewgoldheretics.substack.com

Matthew is an academic, bestselling author, pollster, and speaker known for his research on: politics, populism, elections, voting, public opinion, Brexit, Europe, academic freedom and more. He is Professor of Politics at Rutherford College. He talks about the point of no return in immigration.


0:00 Matt Goodwin Highlights

1:30 Matt Goodwin’s ‘Annoying’ Views

3:30 Matt Thought This Was Disgusting

6:00 Do We Blame Students?

9:20 Free Speech By Force?

12:00 How It FELT To Be Cancelled

15:00 The Shocking Facts of Immigration

17:10 Housing Madness

20:00 Social Cohesion is OVER

21:50 Why Do Governments Want Immigration?

24:00 An Era Of ‘Managed Decline’

27:30 Australia’s System

29:05 Point of No-Return? Islamism

31:30 Toxic Islamo-Left Alliance

34:30 Identity Trap

36:00 Do We Need Immigration?

38:50 Do We Pander to the Woke?

41:00 Gender & Why We Don’t Trust Experts

42:30 Woke is a Useful Term, but This Is Better

45:30 Woke Has Only Just Gotten Started

48:20 We’re Living Through Radicalization of Elites

51:30 San Franciscans to Texas, London to Kent

54:10 A Heretic Matt Admires

#immigration #antiwoke #heretics