March 15, 2015 at Monroe Institute

(1:38) Now it’s very high-tech, very sophisticated, using the very finest of sound technology, (1:46) Hemisync and other technologies to assist people to go into altered, deep, deep altered states quickly (1:52) so that we can become, truly become the explorers we’re meant to be. (1:58) Because the answers are only found in the exploration of consciousness. (2:03) We here know this, but so many today do not.
(2:09) They still depend on belief systems. (2:12) They still depend on, let’s just say, external man-made philosophies for guidance. (2:22) And as any explorer of consciousness knows, we have the capability, all of us, individually.
(2:29) We possess the capability to obtain the answers ourselves. (2:34) And this is one of the things I’d like to talk about today. (2:39) For the next hour and a half, I’d like for you to open your mind to a, let’s just say, a broader perception of reality. Transcript Secure Link1
(7:20) Let’s no longer be pawns of belief systems. (7:24) Let’s discover the truth of our reality. (7:28) Let’s discover the inner path within ourselves.
(7:31) Let’s become self-empowered spiritually (7:35) that we would discover the answers for ourselves (7:37) and no longer have to depend on external anything (7:44) for advice or answers (7:46) because we have that capability. (7:48) We possess it. (7:49) We’re hardwired to obtain it all.
(7:54) These are some of the principles that we will encounter. (8:00) Thought is a form of energy (8:02) and focused thought creates reality. (8:05) The more, the higher the non-physical reality, (8:09) let’s use the word higher or inner, (8:11) the less dense the reality, (8:13) the faster the restructuring will occur.
(8:16) I know this from experience. (8:19) That’s why we have to be mature (8:21) because not only are our positive thoughts create reality, (8:25) our negative thoughts will create reality. (8:28) This is where these concepts (8:30) of the devils and demons came from. Transcript Secure Link2
(2:50) What is your highest spiritual goal? (2:53) Most people don’t even think about this. (2:55) What is, you know, we think about a lot of stuff, (2:58) but very few people ever really address this. (3:01) What is your ultimate spiritual goal in this lifetime? (3:06) What is it? (3:08) That is what we want to focus on.
(3:12) Let’s not get hung up on the phrasing of, (3:15) some people use the term higher self, (3:17) some people use spiritual essence. (3:19) It doesn’t matter what we call it. (3:21) It only matters what it means to you.
(3:24) Develop that focus of attention, (3:29) so that when you meet that transitional point, (3:33) you will have the proper state of consciousness. (3:36) Let’s look at it objectively. (3:38) How do most people die? (3:42) Unfortunately, often they die in institutions (3:45) separated from their loved ones.
(3:48) I’m not making a judgment call here. (3:49) I know hospice work has done remarkable things, (3:53) but the bottom line is, (3:55) we don’t die the same way we did 80 years ago. (3:59) Humans today, most Americans in the West, (4:02) they die in institutions alone. Transcript Secure Link3

From: and
Chanel Name: Monroe Institute:
Title: William Buhlman at Monroe Institute
Actual Date: March 15, 2015
Published Date: 5 aug. 2015
What have we learned from 40 years of documented NDEs and OBEs?
What hinders the spiritual evolution of humanity?
What does it take to be truly free?
Consummate consciousness explorer William Buhlman asks the big questions and shares what he has discovered through personal experience. William Buhlman is a best-selling author and leading expert on the subject of out-of-body experiences.
The author’s forty years of extensive personal out-of-body explorations give him a unique and thought provoking insight into this subject. His first book, Adventures Beyond the Body chronicles his personal journey of self-discovery through out-of-body travel, and provides the reader with the preparation and techniques that can be used for their own adventure.
He conducts an in-depth six-day workshop titled, Out-of-Body Exploration Intensive at The Monroe Institute. As a certified hypnotherapist, Mr. Buhlman incorporates various methods, including hypnosis, Hemi-Sync®, visualization and meditation techniques in his workshops to explore the profound nature of out-of-body experiences and the benefits of accelerated personal development.
Through lectures, workshops and his books the author teaches the preparation and techniques of spiritual exploration. His latest book is titled, Adventures in the Afterlife. Insights provided in this book will assist the reader to understand and navigate the many thought responsive environments we will experience in the afterlife.